Blake was a sweet, strong, and fearless little girl who fought AT/RT for most of her life.
She was diagnosed with AT/RT by age 1 with a 4 inch tumor in the right frontal lobe.
She went through 2 tumor removals, high dose chemotherapy, 2 proton radiation treatments, and multiple trial drugs. She carried the germline mutation.
Blakie absolutely loved life and people to the fullest..despite what she had to go through.
Even though she never got to the point of talking many words and full sentences, she could express herself clearly and knew how to wrap everyone around her little finger.
Even though the doctors predicted she might not be able to walk on her own after the first big craniotomy, her determination and hard work in PT and OT got her to the point of doing just that! She went through many difficulties, including meningitis and an anaphylactic reaction.
But she always showed that the impossible is possible and to never ever give up.
She did everything with a smile… and a yell every now and then. :-)
Unfortunately, after 5 years, her time here on earth was up, and she flew home.
Hope and love are what kept her and all of us going, and we are grateful for every single minute we got to spend with her.
We miss her beautiful spirit every single day…forever wrapped in our hearts.
Blake Daly
February 27, 2016 ~ June 23, 2021
Blake’s mama continues to make essential oil rollerbottles through Bottles for Blake for the stores and boutiques that carry them. This is a therapeutic way for her to deal with the pain of the loss and to raise awareness and money all at the same time.
She is donating money to the PNOC foundation and donating rollerbottles to events from other cancer foundations.