Emmi Grace
Emmi Grace was born in December 2015, a glorious and beautiful addition to our family. Sadly, at only 3 months, she was diagnosed with AT/RT. She received amazing care from well trained and loving medical professionals. She was enveloped in love and kindness from family and friends, especially her big sister.
Sadly the best treatment options available for her included adult chemo therapies designed decades ago to treat adult cancers. These watered-down adult drugs were too toxic for her developing organs. After only a few rounds of chemotherapies, multiple organs failed. The treatment meant to cure her was killing her. She was born to eternal life in June 2016.
Emmi Grace had the best laugh in the world! She knew love- so much love and nothing but love. Her short life inspired so many and in her honor, those who love her continue to fight ATRT in every way possible.
We proudly support Hope4ATRT in memory of Emmi Grace and in honor of all those affected by childhood cancers.