Hadlee Holik
Hadlee Anne was born on November 2, 2015, and lost her battle with AT/RT in March of 2017, at just sixteen months old.
Hadlee was joyously welcomed into the family by her older siblings who enjoyed her life and all the fun things the new baby sister brought to their little world. She was quickly named the “best baby ever” by her aunt!
As she grew up, she came to love her chocolate milk, and being toted around by her siblings wherever they were going. She had the prettiest dark brown eyes and such a beautiful smile that became a light in the midst of much darkness.
At six months old, Hadlee was diagnosed with AT/RT. She fought for ten months under the Dana Farber Protocol, including 25 rounds of cyber knife radiation. She also participated in the EZH2 trial study in February 2017, all to no avail.
Through her treatments, my eyes have seen things, and my ears have heard things beyond what the human heart can bear alone. The treatments were horrible for her little body, but her strength and fighting spirit inspired a little community to rise up and rally for her in big ways.
A life born and purposed by God who touched and reached thousands that even through death and pain, has continued to point so many to our Savior Jesus. Upon witnessing Hadlee suffer through the pain this cancer caused, I realize the desperate need for giant steps forward in research and funding.
Thank you for reading Hadlee’s story. We hope you will join the fight to see a cure for AT/RT in our lifetime!