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Age 4

Trey is a bright little boy who is full of energy and enjoys exploring the world.  He loves singing, dancing, playing outdoors, football, and pizza. On March 7th, at the age of two, doctors discovered a mass on Trey’s brain after a visit to the ER.

On March 8th, Trey endured close to a seven hour operation to remove the mass.  Trey had a 9x8-cm mass. After surgery, Trey suffered a seizure and stroke, causing him to lose the ability to move his left side. Our precious boy, Gregory Lowman III, whom we call Trey, was diagnosed with stage 4 ATRT on March 10, 2023.

Trey is on the ACNS0333 protocol to treat his ATRT. He will start his third of six rounds of chemotherapy. The last three rounds will be high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue.

Trey has faced many obstacles during his treatment. He has had multiple NJ tubes, had to have his double lumen Broviac replaced due to a hole in his lumen that could not be repaired, battled infections, countless transfusions, hearing loss, and more. Trey continues to fight and find the strength to smile through it all. Trey has a very outgoing personality and shines! Not even cancer can take that away from him. He is our Superman!

Thank you to Hope4ATRT for sharing Trey’s story. We are grateful for the support and resources offered by Hope4ATRT to help us navigate this difficult journey. No family can fight cancer alone, and you can't get through this without FAITH! Please keep Trey and our family in your prayers as we continue to fight.

Update for Trey's 3rd Birthday - July 18th, 2023:

On June 26th, Trey had his second brain resection, which was successful.  After almost 4 months in the hospital, Trey was finally able to enjoy a short break from treatment at home.

Trey started the next phase of treatment high dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplants. The first round of chemotherapy and stem cell transplant started the week of July 12th. Trey had his first stem cell transplant on July 17th, the day before his third birthday. Unfortunately, the transplant and second boost failed to engraft. Trey’s 3rd boost using the remainder of his cells finally engrafted September 13th, 2023. Trey would be unable to endure any more rounds of high-dose chemotherapy. This was a long and scary phase of treatment, but we are grateful that his transplant finally engrafted.

September 19th, 2023 Update:

After a long and scary battle with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplants, Trey has completed chemotherapy. Trey was able to celebrate and ring the bell. We will head to Cincinnati, OH, for the next phase of treatment. Trey will begin proton radiation at the beginning of October.

May 23rd, 2024 Update:

Trey completed 29 rounds of proton radiation on November 19, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH. Trey returned home at the end of November after almost nine months in treatment. 

Trey has been living his life like it's golden and enjoying time with family and friends. Even after all he has been through, Trey is always happy and continues to smile. Despite the many side effects he has faced since treatment, Trey is doing well and continues to thrive. Not even cancer can keep his spirit down. 

He is currently at Frazier Rehabilitation Institute for three weeks of intense rehab. We hope that he will one day regain the ability to walk and talk. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and we will continue to walk by faith! His nine-month post treatment MRI will be in August.

He has been in remission, and we pray that all scans will continue to remain clear. We are grateful for all the love and support so many have shown for our family throughout this difficult journey.

We thank God for every day that we get to move forward in this battle!

We wear Grey for Trey!

Follow Trey’s ATRT Journey:


Hope4ATRT Foundation

is a research entity of Out of Zion, Inc.

IRS Code: Section 501(c)(3). Tax ID #81-5022992

Mailing Address: 

PO Box 46713

Tampa, FL  33646

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